American Airworks™ PO Box 1000, Sophia, WV 25921-1000 / 1-800-523-7222
Branson Ultrasonic Cleaners
Branson Ultrasonic Cleaners for cleaning small parts faster and more effectively

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BRANSONIC Ultrasonic Cleaners
Standard Two Year Warranty

Branson ultrasonic cleaners, when used in accordance with manufacturers instructions and under normal use, are guaranteed for two years after date of shipment. Within the period guaranteed, Branson Ultrasonics Corporation will repair or replace free of charge, at its sole discretion, all parts that are defective because of material or workmanship including costs for removing or installing parts. Repairs are made on a FOB repair depot basis.

Branson's liability, whether based on warranty, negligence or other cause, arising out of and/or incidental to sale, use or operation of the ultrasonic cleaner, or any part thereof, shall not in any case exceed the cost of repair or replacement of the defective equipment, and such repair or replacement shall be the exclusive remedy of the purchaser, and in no case shall Branson be responsible for any and/or all consequential or incidental damages including without limitation, and/or all consequential damages arising out of commercial losses.

American Airworks
Branson Ultrasonic Cleaners for cleaning small parts faster and more effectively

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Respirator Fit Testing | Salvage Master
| Thread Saver® | Ultrasonic Cleaners
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American Airworks™ • PO Box 1000, Sophia, WV 25921-1000
1-800-523-7222 • 304-683-4595 • Fax: 304-683-3257

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